20 Apr 2013

Path Of My Education

Salam there. I always thought that being a person and alive, I can do almost everything that I want. Little that I know that, with only ONE decision every turn of my life would changed. Every single thing of my life....would changed.

When I was in Form 4, I've learned about poem 'The Road Not Taken' by Robert Frost and I really like the poem because it is talking about life, about journey that we will passed on.

The persona in this poem is a very conflicted guy. He doesn't tell us too much about himself, but we know that he is facing a big decision; the road he's walking on, and the life he's leading, is splitting into two separate roads up ahead.

The decision he's up against could be something like changing careers or moving to a different place. He could just be having the typical mid-life crisis, unsure if he likes where his life is going, even though he always thought he would. Whatever the decision is, it must be major, because he knows that he'll still be talking about it far in the future, saying that it made a big difference in his life.

14 Apr 2013


Salam and good day to all....

Lately, che ya sngt buzy dgn sgala bnda yg berlaku dlm dunia ni..>0< 
mmg x de masa nak update pe2 pun kn blog nie...

last week kn cuti mid sem utk bdak degree, ada la kwn che ya yg sorg ni...dia sngt la boring sbb baby lappy dia msuk hspital, so x de bnda nak layan.. 

jd spnjang kemasukan lappy dia ke ward tuh...we talked about lot, lot of thingy..(cuba bygkn suara ala2 mcm fbi masa dia umum hadiah abpbh ari tuh utk ayat strusnya ini) dan topik paling utama ialah................. KAHWIN!!!

ye la maklum je la kn..ktorg ni da msuk twenties da....bg manusia2 yg x prnah nak ad bf ni rasa cam ish..bley ke ak kawin ni...hm....

but kalu tnya parents sure la parents suruh "belajar dulu, jodoh ni Allah da tntu kan dah dkt Loh Mahfuz lg, percaya je kt tkdir...bila masa kawin nnti, kawin lah..."

tp kn sbgai sorg anak yg mmg tahu cmner nak mmbela hujah diri sndri tu kluar jgk la ayat ni "tp kn usaha tu pun sebahagian dripada pergantungan hidup kita kpd Allh jgak...kn?"

ye la tuh....mka sesungguhnya che ya ni da masuk golongan 5G(gatal, galak,geli, gelenya, gelebeknyeng)..hehe, don't ask me apa mksudnya ea...only in terengganu..>0<

mmg tringin jgak la nak ada nama kt tgh2 tuh kn...

jadi sebenarnya....che ya tau, che ya da melalut mcm2 kt sini...tp kn.....ikut suka ati che ya la, kn ni belog che ya....korg baca sapa suruh?? heheehe gurau je, baca2 jgn x baca...sian che ya x de kwn skrang...:(

in the nutshell nya, kpd sape2 yg rncang nak kawin 2, smoga segala urusan korg dipermudahkan... kpd yg baru nak propose tu, smoga x de halangan.... AMIN....